Claim Your Excellent Life
109:Bringing Your Dreams Into Reality based on Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

Remember when you were a kid and you had dreams? Did you lose them on the journey to adulthood? You are invite to explore who you used to be and how to use that to live a full life now.

108:Is Your Relationship Surviving or Thriving

Is your relationship lifting you up or dragging you down. Step back and examine the truth of your relationship with Master Hypnotist, Suzanne Kellner-Zinck.

107:Pure Joyfulness

The tools for being joyful are all around us. Pick them up, use them and live a life worth living.

Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_107_-_Pure_Joyfulness.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EST

106:Surprise Yourself By Expanding Yourself

Have an adventure and expand your world.

105:Understand Your Emotions Are There to Help You

Every emotion has a purpose. Learn more about the driving forces behind our emotions.