Claim Your Excellent Life
049:Spreading Love Instead of Bullets, Untimely Death & Suicide

Get some advice on how to make the world a better place.


We all experience transitions and challenges in our lives. Learn how a professional hypnotist handles hers.

Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_-_Episode_48_-_Transitions.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EST


Learn how a professional hypnotist rejuvenates herself and what the results are.

Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_-_Rejuvination-47.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EST

046:What Does it Mean To You That Doctors Are Killing Themselves?

Have you ever noticed that a lot of doctors follow a do as I say not as I do philosophy? What does it mean for you if your doctor is depressed, anxious or suicidal? Will they seek the same help they would advise for you?

045:Bossy Bosses: How To Deal With Them

Ever dealt with an overbearing, negative and unappreciative boss. Here’s some advice on how to retain your sanity and stand up for your rights.