Mon, 25 August 2014
How do you know when you are inspired versus simply motivated?
Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_-57-How_Do_You_Know_If_You_Are_Inspired.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EST |
Mon, 18 August 2014
Unleash your true self and be truly fascinating
Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_Episode_56_-_Fascinate_The_World_Around_You.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EST |
Mon, 11 August 2014
Weight loss is more than just counting calories. It’s what’s in your head that really matters.
Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_55_-_Lets_Stop_Ignoring_the_Psychology_of_Weight_Loss.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EST |
Mon, 4 August 2014
Objective success. Subjective failure. How the medical experience can be improved. brought to you by
Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_54_-_How_About_Treating_the_Person_Instead_of_Just_The_Disease.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 10:26am EST |