Claim Your Excellent Life
079:Are You Happy With The Relationships in Your Life

How do the relationships in your life measure up when put to the objective tests of a professional clinical hypnotist.

078:You Are The Placebo

Find out what your own mind can do for you.

Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_Episode__78_-_You_are_The_Placebo.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

077:Letting Go of Judgements of Others

What is the harm you do to yourself when you judge others? Find out.

076:Listen to Your Body For True Health & Happiness

Your body is always talking to you. Are you listening?

075:Enthusiasm & Excitement Are Contagious

Ever notice how other peoples energy can affect your mood? Use this effect to your own advantage.

074:Claiming Your Own Space

Is there space in your own life for you?

073:Live Freely

Have you ever felt like you are living your life in a box. Discover how to step outside the box.

Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_life_73_-_Living_Freely.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EDT


In life, the person with the most options wins. How flexible are you?

Direct download: Cliam_Your_Excellent_Life_-_Episode_72_-_Flexibility.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

071:What Does Success Mean, Really

What is real success?

Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_71_-_What_is_Success_Really-.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

070:Teaching Children Their Dreams Matter

Remember the feeling when you achieved a long cherished dream? Our dreams are so important for our psychological health and even more so for our kids. Learn how to nurture them.

069:Sacred Meaning of Friendship

Do you have friends who feel more like parasites then real friends? Find out what the criteria are for true friendship

068:Moving On

Sometimes you just need to move on in order to grow.

Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_Episode_68__Moving_On.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

067:Creating Every Day Miracles In Your Life

Make everyday a miracle.

Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_-_67_Creating_Every_Day_Miracles.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

066:Happiness: What You Need to Create it

How to be happy is a question that is often asked. Learn what a master hypnotist answer is.

Presented by Suzanne Kellner-Zinck

Dawning Visions Hypnosis



065:Persistence Is The Only Way To Success: Whatever success means to you

Very few get anything right the first time. Learn how to persist until you achieve success.


Presented by

Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck

Dawning Visions Hypnosis

064:Knowing When to Help and Knowing When to Lay Off: There is a difference

We all want to help those close to us, however our offers may not always be well received. Here’s some guidelines on when to help and when to not get involved.

063:Great Questions To Improve Your Life With

Are you asking the right questions?

brought to you by Dawning Visions Hypnosis

062:Are You Magical?

We live in a magical universe. Are you taking advantage of it?

brought to you by Dawning Visions Hypnosis


Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_62_-Are_You_Magical-.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

061:Impulse Control And Guilt

Don't let your impulses and guilt control you.


Brought to you by Dawning Visions Hypnosis


Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_-_61_Impulse_Control_andGuilt.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

060:The Difference One Person Can Make

You matter to someone and someone matters to you.


Brought to you by Dawning Visions Hypnosis


Direct download: The_Difference_One_Person_Can_Make_60.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

059:The Importance In Letting People Know They Matter

Life is to short to leave important things unsaid. Find out why you need to tell people you care.


Brought to you by Dawning Visions Hypnosis


Direct download: The_Importance_In_Letting_People_Know_They_Matter_59.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

058:Let these people go and improve your life

Learn about the different types of toxic people and what to do about them.

057:How do you know if you are inspired

How do you know when you are inspired versus simply motivated?

056:Fascinate The World Around You: Here’s How

Unleash your true self and be truly fascinating

055:Lets Stop Ignoring the Psychology of Weight Loss

Weight loss is more than just counting calories. It’s what’s in your head that really matters.

054:How About Treating the Person Instead of the Disease?

Objective success. Subjective failure. How the medical experience can be improved. 

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053:Texting & Video Games Are “IN” and Smoking is “Out”

While teenage smoking is down, texting and video games are up. Learn how both are affecting your kids


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052:Why Are ADD & ADHD Kids More Likely To Abuse Drugs

Is there a link between ADD, ADHD and drugs. Find out more.

051:How Can We Stop Kids From Hating Themselves?

Have you ever experienced the pain of watching a child engage in self destructive behavior? Find out what you can do about it.

050:Gain Time While Getting Through Your To Do List

Get your subconscious to help you with your todo list.

049:Spreading Love Instead of Bullets, Untimely Death & Suicide

Get some advice on how to make the world a better place.


We all experience transitions and challenges in our lives. Learn how a professional hypnotist handles hers.

Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_-_Episode_48_-_Transitions.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EDT


Learn how a professional hypnotist rejuvenates herself and what the results are.

Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_-_Rejuvination-47.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

046:What Does it Mean To You That Doctors Are Killing Themselves?

Have you ever noticed that a lot of doctors follow a do as I say not as I do philosophy? What does it mean for you if your doctor is depressed, anxious or suicidal? Will they seek the same help they would advise for you?

045:Bossy Bosses: How To Deal With Them

Ever dealt with an overbearing, negative and unappreciative boss. Here’s some advice on how to retain your sanity and stand up for your rights.

044:E-Cigarettes: Wishful Thinking At Best

Do you think e-cigarettes really help you quit smoking? Find out the facts.

043:What Could A Healthy Fashion Doll Do For Our Young Girls’ Self-Esteem?

Learn how unnatural body images are affecting young girls and what can be done to promote a natural healthy one.

042:How Do You Know You Are Living an Inspired Life?

Do you just sleepwalk through life? Maybe it’s time to wake up.

041:Image Isn’t Everything

There is image and then there is reality. Guess which one is healthier.

040:Fearlessness = Loving Yourself: This According to Wayne Dyer

The human animal can only exist in one of two states. Either neurotic fear or loving fearlessness. Discover how to exist in the better option.

Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_Episode_40_FearlessnessLove.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

039:What to do when you believe your best work is behind you

Do you fear that you peaked too early? Here’s some good advice for you.

038:Electronic Cigarettes Do Not Help You Quit

Learn what the latest scientific studies say about electronic cigarettes.

037:Live An Inspired Life

Do you want to live a life of passion and purpose? Discover some inspirational tips in this episode.

Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_Episode_37_Live_An_Inspired_Life.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

036:Loneliness: The Importance Of Overcoming It For Your Health & Happiness

Lonliness isn't just a quality of life issue. It's a length of life issue. Find out the facts.

035:Take The Plunge and Do It Anyway

Ever had an opportunity present itself and you were too afraid to take it. Discover the courage to turn your life into an adventure.

034:How To Be Less Sensitive By Taking Care Of Yourself

Todays topic is Highly Sensitive People.

033:What Makes A Relationship Codependent?

Codependent relationships are generally not very healthly. Find out if a relationship in your life is draining you dry.

032:How To Best Deal With Someone Who Is Dying

Death is, and always will be a part of life. Get some advice on how to best handle a dying loved one. 

031:Taking Care of Yourself As You Take Care of Your Disabled Parent

Todays topic is how caregivers can take care of themselves while also taking care of their loved ones.

Todays topic is friendship.

Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life-_Episode_30_-_Friendship.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

The subject for today is trust.

Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_Episode_29_-_Trust.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

We’ve all heard that we shouldn’t judge others. Learn what judging others could say about you.

Playing it safe doesn’t always lead to the happiest life 

Learn about an ancient eastern test for judging character

Discover more about the psychological, physical and social factors that contribute to obesity and what you can do about it.

Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_-_Why_Am_I_Getting_Fat_25.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

Work consumes such a large portion of our lives that it is critical to make the correct decisions for our own happiness.  Learn some methods that will guide you down the right path.

John Gray discusses his new book “The Mars Venus Wellness Solution for Focus” which explains  how to use nutrition to heal illnesses of the brain. He explains how over-the-counter medications damage brain health, glutathione vs. Antioxidents to heal the brain, the role of vitamin C in healing, the role of healthy sexual relations for human regeneration of energy, the deficiency of nutrients in our food, Time Line Therapy ®, NLP, hypnosis and meditation for restructuring of our thinking processes. (Go to the Youtube channel: Suzanne Kellner-Zinck to play the video version of this interview.) 
Direct download: John_Gray_interview_11-26-2013_CYEL_Part_4.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

Dr. John Gray discusses the correct mineral supplements needed for brain health to protect against brain damage, why he said “no” to his doctor’s treatment for his Parkinson’s Disease explaining how he healed himself, why we have addictions and what that causes, gender differences in focus and normal human behavior based in our hormonal and emotional differences, all the damage we create in our bodies with medications and sugar. (Go to the Youtube channel: Suzanne Kellner-Zinck to play the video version of this interview.) Tune in next week for the final segment, Part 4 of this 4 Part interview series with Dr. John Gray. 
Direct download: John_Gray_interview_11-26-2013_CYEL_-_Part_3.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

Dr. John Gray discusses why he chose to use nutrition to clear himself of Parkinson’s Disease declining his doctor’s treatment, the 3,500% increase of mental illness in America due to the non-healing quality of psychotropic medications, what is needed for brain health, the research of Dr. Hans Nieper healing mental illness with minerals, his new book on focus explaining that stress and sugar consumption as the main causes of mental illness which is injury in the brain. (Go to the Youtube channel: Suzanne Kellner-Zinck to play the video version of this interview.) Tune in next week for Part 3 of this 4 Part interview series with  Dr. John Gray. 
Direct download: John_Gray_interview_11-26-2013_CYEL_part_2.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

Dr. John Gray explains how his years of being a monk gave him a unique perspective of what makes healthy primary relationships. He also speaks of finding his authentic self, why he became a psychologist, and manic depression. (Go to the Youtube channel: Suzanne Kellner-Zinck to play the video version of this interview.) Tune in next week for Part 2 of this 4 Part interview series with  Dr. John Gray. 
Direct download: john_gray_interview_11-26-2013_CYEL_part_1.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

Most people experience the basic human desire to find a mate and have a happy relationship. Find out what you need to pay attention to during your search. The answer may surprise you.

Direct download: Claim_My_Excellent_Life_Episode_19_-_Finding_a_Worthy_Mate.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 4:00pm EDT

What practical actions can you take that will move you toward experiencing more happiness in your life? Find out in this podcast.

Ever felt like there is a cloud over your head? Learn how to dispel them before they become storm clouds.

Learn about how to relax in a stressful, chaotic, absurb world.

Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_Episode_16_-_Relaxation.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 9:00am EDT

In this podcast we discuss the ways in which we learn to verbally “put ourselves down” and what to do to turn that around.

Starting with this episode I am going to be using a different format. I will just be speaking to you naturally on the subject of the podcast.

Have you ever felt like success is just around the corner, however you just couldn't get there. Find out how to get out of your own way.

Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_Episode_14_Stop_Self-Sabotage.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 9:00am EDT

We all experience events in our lives that affect our self-confidence. Here are some practical tips on how to build or rebuild you self-confidence.

Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_-_Episode_13.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 9:00am EDT

Have you ever had the experience of having negative things in you life that seem to follow you around wherever you go. Would you like to know how you are contributing to this and most importantly, what to do about it?

Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_-_Episode_12.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 9:00am EDT

Learn how you might be getting in the way of your own happiness and 11 things you can do about it.

Direct download: Claim_Your_Excellent_Life_Episode_11.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 9:00am EDT

This is one of the questions that bring most people into my practice. They realize that they are unable to STOP doing those things they want to stop doing and can’t seem to start doing those things they want to do. In many cases they have tried everything under the sun to get their lives under control yet, still find themselves stuck in these destructive behaviors.

We all feel like we have a purpose in life. Here are some simple ideas to help you explore yours.

Do you ever look around and everyone else seems so much happier than you and you wondering what they know that you don't.? However, are they really so happy? Is there a secret? Find out in this episode.

In this episode Suzanne will explain why people feel so overwhelmed by life and how to figure out if this is something you can turn around on your own and when it is better to seek professional guidance.

In this episode Suzanne will explain 9 ways to rethink what you need to do to attract the partner of your dreams.

In this episode Suzanne will explain why people have a habit of sabotaging themselves and will give you some practical ways to overcome it.

In this episode Suzanne will answer the question of what is self-confidence. She will then will describe 10 ways that you can increase your self-confidence.

The most important thing that one can know about building a healthy primary relationship is to realize that the person that is called in is there to help you grow. Usually that person will be a conduit to helping you to see aspects of your personality that could use a bit of improvement. With this in mind, some areas of discomfort and irritation are going to be a natural part of any deep relationship. However, there is a difference between helping each other to grow and creating emotional and physical harm inside a relationship.

Many years ago I found myself running around constantly busy doing things thinking that this would get me ahead. Why? Because we live in a society here in the United States that tells us that to be successful we have to be constantly focused on where we are going. In so doing we are constantly in motion never taking any time to relax. There are a few problems with this sort of mind set. First that we are ever going to get to a place where we feel successful enough to relax as the bar is ever heightened. Second this idea that we don’t need to relax.

 Being under stress because of your job responsibilities or responsibilities to your family will also take away one’s ability to relax. Other common causes of stress are:

Having long hours on the job, doing work that you dislike, having a hostile work environment, having a long commute especially with lots of traffic, being in a rocky relationship, caring for an ill loved one, financial difficulties, perfectionism, unrealistic expectations, lack of assertiveness when necessary. There are also positive events that can create stress like: getting married, purchasing a new house, getting a promotion, or having a child.

 The problem with having all this stress in our lives is that it can reek havoc in our lives by unbalancing our hormones, putting undo stress on our heart, and over many years causing the break down of your bodies in various ways.

 Obvious indicators of stress are constant worrying, irritability, feelings of overwhelm, nervous habits like pacing and biting one’s nails, abusing substances, poor judgment, seeing only the negative in situations, racing thoughts, and lack of sleep.

Suzanne will discuss how to stimulate your endorphins while decreasing your adrenaline to help you have a happy state of being.

 Suzanne introduces the new podcast “Claim Your Excellent Life” which was created to help folks like you to let go of the stressors in your life while reclaiming happiness and fulfillment.

 As a hypnotist Suzanne has seen many clients come in who may not have had major issues like addictions or eating disorders. They just had an overall unhappiness and discontentment with life. In this new podcast Suzanne will show you how to let go of the unhappiness and discontentment and claim your excellent life!

 Episode #1 will explain how happiness is a state of mind. As a hypnotist Suzanne helps her clients change their states of mind on a regular basis. Allow her to show you how to do the same.

Direct download: Claim-Your-Excellent-Life-1-Why-Is-it-so-Hard-To-Be-Happy.mp3
Category:Alternative Health -- posted at: 3:13pm EDT